We will open a store in "b8ta Tokyo - Shibuya"
Whether it rains or shines in the fall, it will be completely cool, and many people may be planning to change their clothes this weekend.
Well, this time, we would like to announce a new development from Tokyo Vegan Gyoza at the change of season.
Tokyo Vegan Gyoza will open at "b8ta Tokyo - Shibuya", an experience-based store from Silicon Valley that will open on November 15, 2021, and will finally start selling at actual stores!
Many people may have heard about it for the first time, but "b8ta (beta)" is a place where you can discover and experience products that have just been created by startup companies and products that you can't easily experience at other stores. Space.
After opening in Silicon Valley on the outskirts of San Francisco, USA in 2015, it landed in Japan for the first time on August 1, 2020, opening "b8ta Tokyo - Yurakucho" in Yurakucho and "b8ta Tokyo - Shinjuku Marui" in Shinjuku at the same time.
“b8ta Tokyo – Shibuya”, which is the third store in Japan this time, has a wide range of food categories that were not handled at other stores. It will be possible to experience experiences that appeal to the five senses, such as tasting.
Press release for the opening of “b8ta Tokyo-Shibuya”: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000024.000053185.html
*Photos of Tokyo Vegan Gyoza are also included. did you find it?
We are currently preparing for tasting and selling Tokyo vegan gyoza at "b8ta Tokyo – Shibuya". We are also thrilled to be handling it at stores that are not so-called supermarkets or grocery stores.